Photo contest 2011 by national geographic traveler – Win a Trip

Thursday, June 2, 2011

National geographic photography competition is started for this year 2011. This is the 23rd Annual Photo Contest by national geographic.

Photo Contest categories: like Travel portraits: Local working, playing, celebrating, outdoor scenes: Landscapes, aerials, wildlife, waterscapes, Scene of place: Pictures that evoke the essence of a destination, Spontaneous moments: Fun, quirky, surprising, and unrehearsed moments.

By winning in this contest you can win a trip to British and Irish isles. Entry fees for this contest are $15 per entry. The last date for the submission of the entry into this contest is June 27 2011.if you cannot make it to this date then you can pay $10 and join the contest before July 11 2011.

Prizes : you can win 1st prize for 14 day expedition for two to British and Irish,2nd price for nine night in trident hotel in India,3rd price for 2 and a half day photo workshop with Santa Fe Workshops and 7 more merit prices are also there.

Photography competition rules:

To know more about the rules of this photo contest conducted by national geography traveler hit

Bill Gates facts, the World’s richest man’s facts - year by year

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some of the facts about Bill Gates, the world’s richest man are below. Bill Gates all facts are interesting, his way of life is remarkable with lot of achievements as a very young boy.

Bill Gates Born as an American. Here you can see some facts about Bill year by year. Bill Gates has three 3 Children . His Parents are William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates

1955 – The World’s No.1 Man Bill Gates born on October 28, 1955.(1955-10-28)

1967 – Gates enrolls at 13 at Lakeside school. Programs tic-tac-toe in a General Electric computer.

1968- At 14 he starts programming with Paul Allen.

1968 – Gates get banned from computing center for manipulating bugs to get free computing time blocks.

1973 – Bill gates scored 1590 out of 1600 in SAT.

1975 – At 21 Bill gates move to Albuquerque to work at MITS with Paul Allen on BASIC.

1975 – They name their company as MICRO-SOFT.

1980 – Bill Gates sells DOS for the IBM PC for $80,000.

1985 – Bill gates launched Windows1.0.

1990 – Windows 3.0 and MS office 1.0 were launched.

1994 – Bill Gates married Melinda.

1995 – Bill Gate’s Microsoft stuns the world with his Windows 95 launch.

2000 – Bill and Melinda Gates created the own foundation to help development across the world.

2001 – Windows XP launched.

2007 – Windows vista launched.

2008 – Bill Gates left his daily work at Microsoft.

2008 – Bill Gates last day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008.

2010 - Gates was awarded the 2010 Bower Award for Business Leadership

2010 – Bill Gates was honored with the Silver Buffalo Award by the Boy Scouts of America.

2010 – Bill gates earns US$250 every day.

2011 – The Net worth of Bill Gates is US $ 56 billion.

Interesting facts about Gandhi

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some of the interesting facts about Gandhi ...........

Gandhi’s Birth:

  • Gandhi’s full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
  • Gandhi is famously called as Bapu, Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhiji, and Father of India.
  • Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948 in Porbandar
  • He was born for Karamchand Gandhi (Father) and Putlibai Gandhi (Mother).
  • He was born a Hindu and practiced Hinduism all his life
Marriage life of Gandhi:
  • In May 1883, the 13-year old Mohandas was married to 14-year old Kasturbai Makhanji.
  • When Gandhi was 15, the couple's first child was born, but survived only a few days
  • Mohandas and Kasturbai had four more sons.

Gandhi fighting for Indian independence:

  • In 1893, Gandhi is thrown off a South African train for being an Indian and traveling in a first class compartment.
  • Gandhi was a prolific writer.
  • Young India is a journal published by Gandhi.
  • Gandhi employed non-cooperation, non-violence and peaceful resistance.
  • The Salt Satyagraha, which began with the Dandi March on March 12, 1930, was an important part of the Indian independence movement by Gandhi
  • Gandhi is a lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian
  • Gandhi revolts against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest.
  • Gandhi is well know for his simplicity
  • He only wear kathar dress which is made by himself.
  • Gandhi become barrister in University College London, University of London

Gandhi Assassination:
  • On 30 January 1948, Gandhi was shot while he was walking to a platform from which he was to address a prayer meeting.
  • Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, he was a Hindu nationalist

Gandhi’s awards and Global recognition:

Biography of Mahatma Gandhi :

About Honey Bees

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its all about a tiny busy creature which is in this earth for more than 150 million years. its unbelievable that there are 20,000 bee species in which just seven are real honey bees. There are also other 800 species of bees without Sting which produce honey. The honey of Sting-less bee is sweeter than the honey of Honey bee. The scientific name of honey bee is"Apis mellifera". The honey produced by the Honey bees contains "pinocembrin", an antioxidant which is associated with improved brain functioning.

Honey is actually produced and stored to keep the colony alive in the winter and at the time when they cant fly. The most interesting thing of these wonderful creatures are the procedure of making honey. They visit hundreds and hundreds of flower's, eating the nectar and regurgitate what they have eaten, this will mix with the preservative enzymes form their own honey stomach. once the mixer(honey) is ready then they will fill in the hexagonal cells. then they fan the hive with their wings to evaporate the water from the mixer in the cells. After this work is done 20% of the water wont be there in the mixer. this is done to stop the change of sugar to a form of alcohol(fermenting). The honey comb wont melt as the bees will maintain a constant temperature of 95 degree Fahrenheit. They use their wings to fan and they also collect water instead of honey to make the hive cool on hot days.

The honey bee's are fast enough to cross 6 miles in an hour. with there wings stroke incredibly fast at 200 beats per second. A worker honey bee will produce one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its life time.
Honey bees are really hard workers.

Tamilnadu 12th Results 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It is expected that the Tamil Nadu 12th broard exam results can be released today.
Government of Tamil Nadu
Directorate of Government Examinations
is the official site of Tamil Nadu were results are published, it displays Await for Announcement.
Few more sites where the results can be seen.

The tallest bridge

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Millau Viaduct is the world tallest vehicular bridge. It was open in the year 2004 14th of December. it is a cable stayed road Bridge and the construction cost is €400 million to build this bridge. It is built across the Vally of the River Tarn. The construction work started in the year 2001 and was completed in the 2004. This roadway weighs 36,000 tones. This massive bridge is designed by Micchel Virlogeux Structural engineer form French and Norman Foster an Architect form British. The Total lenght of this bridge is 2,460 m that 8,071 ft and the width is 32 m which is 105 ft. The interesting thing about this bridge is its one mast's summit is at 343 meters which is slightly taller than Eiffel Tower.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oxygen is most vital part of all the living things in the earth. Oxygen was discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in1771. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. The word Oxygen comes form Greek 'acid former'. Liquid and solid state of oxygen are pale blue in color. Do you know 90% of nutritional energy we get from Oxygen. Our brain needs Oxygen to work. The basic reason for most of the diseases is deficiency of oxygen that is without Oxygen cells wont function properly inturn which is easy for virus to attack. We have 60 to 70% Concentration of Oxygen in our body on an average, it is said that with this level one can live a healthy life. Diseases that are related to Oxygen deficiency is generally known as hypoxia. It is very important for burning up the body’s toxins. Before 300 years the Oxygen level on earth's atmosphere is 38%. but now it is decreased to 19% which is very low when compared with those years, its all because of the industries, emition of corbondioxide and the main reason is destroying forests. Its a precious thing gifted by god without Oxygen there is no life in this planet. Let us save Mother Nature.