Its all about a tiny busy creature which is in this earth for more than 150 million years. its unbelievable that there are 20,000 bee species in which just seven are real honey bees. There are also other 800 species of bees without Sting which produce honey. The honey of Sting-less bee is sweeter than the honey of Honey bee. The scientific name of honey bee is"Apis mellifera". The honey produced by the Honey bees contains "pinocembrin", an antioxidant which is associated with improved brain functioning.
Honey is actually produced and stored to keep the colony alive in the winter and at the time when they cant fly. The most interesting thing of these wonderful creatures are the procedure of making honey. They visit hundreds and hundreds of flower's, eating the nectar and regurgitate what they have eaten, this will mix with the preservative enzymes form their own honey stomach. once the mixer(honey) is ready then they will fill in the hexagonal cells. then they fan the hive with their wings to evaporate the water from the mixer in the cells. After this work is done 20% of the water wont be there in the mixer. this is done to stop the change of sugar to a form of alcohol(fermenting). The honey comb wont melt as the bees will maintain a constant temperature of 95 degree Fahrenheit. They use their wings to fan and they also collect water instead of honey to make the hive cool on hot days.
The honey bee's are fast enough to cross 6 miles in an hour. with there wings stroke incredibly fast at 200 beats per second. A worker honey bee will produce one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its life time.
Honey bees are really hard workers.
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